Sebastian Stumpf – Folkwang Museum Essen – Kunsthalle im Lipsiusbau Dresden

The exhibition “Cairo. Open City” features work of Sebastian Stumpf and Chris Michalski from 2 March to 5 May 2013 at Folkwang Museum, Essen. Further information.

In Dresden the collection of Kunstfonds including work of Sebastian Stumpf can be seen at Lipsiusbau from 1 March to 20 May 2013. Further information.

Brian O’Doherty in Frieze

Brian O’Doherty’s essay “Strolling with the Zeitgeist” has been published in the March issue of Frieze magazine. Read more.


Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung awarded scholarships to Marcel Frey and Sebastian Stumpf.