Joachim Bandau – Figuren und Geräte

At the center of the gallery’s second exhibition of works by Joachim Bandau are his early sculptures from the late 1960s until the mid 1970s. Made from fiber glass, aluminium, spouts and hoses, Bandau’s figures combine organic and technical forms, surreal worlds and science fiction, humans and machines. As chimeras from the 20th century they are anything but outdated.
Brian O’Doherty – Self, Sign, Scenario

”Ogham” is an ancient Gaelic alphabet that Brian O’Doherty has been using since the 1960s. It serves as an ideal serial system that allows him to bring together minimalism, concept art and language. In his second exhibition in the gallery O’Doherty will be showing drawings and sculpture as well as a series of new paintings, many of which are based on Ogham.
Sebastian Stumpf – abc art berlin contemporary 2014

Sebastian Stumpf‘s video projections and photographs show casual actions that take place in public spaces. The motionless camera directs attention to architectural details of urban spaces defined by convention and privatization. At the abc his latest video projection Water basins (2014) will be shown. The work shows representative water basins located in front of commercial buildings and office blocks in various European metropolises. Facing upwards in the water, a figure floats in an uncertain territory between self-abandonment and relaxation.
Misty Star Blanket

with works by Kasper Andreasen/Hanne Lippard, Friedemann Heckel, Cyrill Lachauer, Alexandra Leykauf, Kathrin Sonntag