
Brian O’Doherty – From Electrocardiogram to Rope Drawing

Since the publication of his essay “Inside the White Cube” in 1976 Brian O‘Doherty has been a key figure in the discourse around the presentation forms of contemporary art. The exhibition “From Electrocardiogram to Rope Drawing” has been conceived to make a representative selection of Brian O‘Doherty’s multi-faceted oeuvre accessible in Germany for the first time. Along with his series “Portrait of Marcel Duchamp”, drawings, prints and various other objects will be shown, all demonstrating the importance of the line in O‘Doherty’s work. For the exhibition Brian O‘Doherty will also create a special installation, a so-called “Rope Drawing”.

Curators: Boris Hars-Tschachotin, Thomas Fischer

Negative Siege, 1970, Wood, polished aluminium, 20 x 19 x 6.5 cm | 1/4
Duchamp Boxed, 1968, Electrocardiographic tracing, cardboard box, 3 x 10 x 5.5 cm
Rope Drawing #117, Galerie Thomas Fischer
From Electrocardiogram to Rope Drawing, Installation view, Galerie Thomas Fischer | 1/2
Rope Drawing #117, Galerie Thomas Fischer | 1/2
From Electrocardiogram to Rope Drawing, Installation view, Galerie Thomas Fischer
Portrait of Marcel Duchamp: Lead 1, 1966, Wood, glass, liquitex, motor, 43 x 43 x 20 cm | 1/3
Open Cube, 1993, Prints, each 82 x 97 cm
The Body and Its Discontents, 1964, Mixed media, 10.5 x 28 x 4 cm
Open Cube, 1993, Print, 82 x 97 cm | 1/4
From Electrocardiogram to Rope Drawing, Installation view, Galerie Thomas Fischer | 1/3
From Electrocardiogram to Rope Drawing, Installation view, Galerie Thomas Fischer