Cyrill Lachauer – Full Service

Questioning methods from the field of cultural anthropology, Cyrill Lachauer explores landscapes and places, the transformation of signs and artifacts and the manner in which traditions and stories affect our cultural imagination. In his most recent work, “Full Service”, Lachauer examines myths of the American West, Las Vegas and its promise of wealth and the Indian “Ghost Dance” movement. In “Full Service” he has discovered a unique form that combines ethnographic field work, road trip and a tribute to the American cinema, capturing the ambiguity of reality without making value judgments.
Hiding in the Caves

with works by Joachim Bandau, Dirk Braeckman, Cyrill Lachauer, Brian O’Doherty and Sebastian Stumpf
Misty Star Blanket

with works by Kasper Andreasen/Hanne Lippard, Friedemann Heckel, Cyrill Lachauer, Alexandra Leykauf, Kathrin Sonntag
Double Bound Economies

“Double Bound Economies” is about reading an East German photo archive. This non-institutional archive was created between 1967 and 1990 by the freelance photographer Reinhard Mende, who was commissioned by various GDR combines and the trade fair in Leipzig. “Double Bound Economies” takes the proclamation of internationalism of the socialist production as starting point to thematize its economies, schizophrenia, gestures, contradictions, as well as its staged images, spaces and displays.
The exhibition shows artistic interventions into the archive and contributions by Tekle Belete, KP Brehmer, Seiichi Furuya, Allan Sekula, Noël Burch, Olaf Nicolai and The Otolith Group. “Double Bound Economies” is curated by Estelle Blaschke, Armin Linke und Doreen Mende.