“Every building is a personality,” says Irmel Kamp about the buildings she photographs. For more than four decades now, in her photography she has been exploring architectural visions of modernism as well as regional peculiarities that shape the cityscapes of Europe and Israel. In her subtle black and white photographs, Kamp captures architectural characteristics and in the process observes the mutual influences between the building and its surroundings. In her third exhibition at Galerie Thomas Fischer, Moderne in Europa (Modernism in Europe), she presents a group of photographs that she took between 1995 and 2006. In this series, she explores architectural utopias become stone from the 1920s and 1930s in the Czech Republic, Poland, Belgium, Italy, the Netherlands, and Germany. Coolly and precisely, she captures the states of these constructed personalities, not always photographing the most well-known buildings, but choosing those whose qualities strike her as most interesting.
Irmel Kamp – Moderne in Europa

Irmel Kamp, Moderne in Europa/Antwerpen (B), Maison-Atelier Guiette II, 2002, Gelatin silver print, 50 x 60 cm

Irmel Kamp, Moderne in Europa/Arnhem (NL), Tankstelle Purfina, 2003, Gelatin silver print, 50 x 60 cm

Irmel Kamp, Moderne in Europa/Nijmegen (NL), Tankstelle Auto Palace, 2003, Gelatin silver print, 60 x 50 cm

Irmel Kamp, Moderne in Europa, Installation view

Irmel Kamp, Moderne in Europa, Installation view

Irmel Kamp, Moderne in Europa, Installation view

Irmel Kamp, Moderne in Europa, Installation view

Irmel Kamp, Moderne in Europa, Installation view

Irmel Kamp, Moderne in Europa, Installation view

Irmel Kamp, Moderne in Europa/Rotterdam (NL), Koffie-Thee-Fabriek II, 2002, Gelatin silver print, 50 x 60 cm

Irmel Kamp, Moderne in Europa/Nijmegen (NL), Tankstelle Auto Palace, 2003, Gelatin silver print, 60 x 50 cm

Irmel Kamp, Moderne in Europa/Firenze (I), Cinema Puccini II, 1995, Gelatin silver print, 50 x 60 cm

Irmel Kamp, Moderne in Europa/Antwerpen (B), Maison-Atelier Guiette I, 2002, Gelatin silver print, 60 x 50 cm

Irmel Kamp, Moderne in Europa/Brno-Brünn (CZ), Messegelände, Aussichtsturm, 2000, Gelatin silver print, 60 x 50 cm

Irmel Kamp, Moderne in Europa/Utrecht (NL), Huis Schröder II, 2001, Gelatin silver print, 50 x 60 cm

Irmel Kamp, Moderne in Europa/Rotterdam (NL), Koffie-Thee-Fabriek II, 2002, Gelatin silver print, 50 x 60 cm

Irmel Kamp, Moderne in Europa/Utrecht (NL), Huis Schröder I, 2001, Gelatin silver print, 60 x 50 cm

Irmel Kamp, Moderne in Europa/Brno-Brünn (CZ), Messegelände, Pavillon der Stadt Brno-Brünn, 2000, Gelatin silver print, 50 x 60 cm

Irmel Kamp, Moderne in Europa/Usti nad Orlici II (CZ), Theater, 2004, Gelatin silver print, 60 x 50 cm

Irmel Kamp, Moderne in Europa/Brno-Brünn (CZ), Messegelände, Pavillon Morava – Pavillon des Landes Mähren, 2000, Gelatin silver print, 50 x 60 cm