Cyrill Lachauer
I-40, 2018

Silber Gelatine Print (Handabzug)
50,4 x 60 cm
Edition of 12 +1AP

€ 750,00 (incl. Vat, excl. framing and shipping)

You can order here.


Cyrill Lachauer’s America trilogy, which deals with the idea of the narrative landscape, has been underway since 2012. The work on the trilogy, consisting of extensive photo series, films and installation elements, is accompanied by numerous satellites. These include, for example, the photo series “WASH Arizona, New Mexico 2015”, which takes a critical look at the book “Serpent Ritual” by Aby Warburg in the south-west of the USA. When Lachauer travelled through the same area again a few years later, he took the photo “I-40”. Interstate 40 is the most important east-west connection in the USA. It leads through a country in which many remain invisible and marginalised. Because of the colour of their skin, their origin or their material status. Some of these traces, from the worlds and realities of those pushed to the margins, can be discovered in images such as “I-40”.

Cyrill Lachauer, I-40, 2018
Cyrill Lachauer, I-40, 2018